
Once you install your AC, that doesn’t mean you’re done. Regular air conditioning maintenance is crucial in order for your AC units to operates well. If your air conditioner hasn’t been inspected in more than a year, it may be a good time to call our team. We can assess the effectiveness of your unit and complete and necessary repairs or replacements.

To prolong the longevity of your cooling system and to make sure it’s always running at maximum efficiency, you need to schedule routine maintenance! Without it, issues with your cooling system can build up quietly behind the scenes, which means you might not notice a problem until it’s too far gone.

Avoid expensive surprises by giving OM HVAC Specialists a call today to schedule your maintenance call!

Our team will ensure your Air Conditioning works when you need it the most!

What can be included in your Air Conditioning maintenance inspection?

System control check

Ensure that the air conditioning cycles are starting and stopping properly, at the set temperatures.

Lubrication of select moving parts

Friction can cause excess wear on certain parts of your air conditioning system. Proper lubrication will help ensure that those parts don’t burn out as quickly

Check electrical connections

Ensure they are tight and check voltage on the motors. Faulty connections can reduce the life of components and cause safety issues.

Inspect condense drain

Make sure the drain is clear of anything that would plug it up or inhibit proper flow. Clean and inspect condenser air conditioning coils – If your coils are dirty, it will reduce efficiency and increase energy costs.

Check refrigerant level

Proper refrigerant levels will help ensure that your system runs efficiently

Adjust and clean blowers

Ensure that your airflow system is running optimally, leading to better efficiency and lower energy costs.